This is the Path of Good Shortcuts
One Path of Good Shortcuts PowerGem that works in many dozens or scores or even hundreds of arenas in your life, has always been right in front of your face. So, rather than truly teaching you this legitimate powergem, the Path of Good Shortcuts serves to remind you of what you almost surely already know, and yet act too little upon. Imagine reducing EVERY task you have by half the required steps to get there
Even people who are semi-illiterate with respect to using computers, can so quickly increase or perhaps multiply their computer knowledge in 60 seconds or so by playing with only three or four primary shortcut uses of the Win button on your keyboard. Think about it: you have two of these buttons on the keyboard, identical to each other, and only one of just about all the others, which must mean that the Win button is pretty important, no? Yet few people even know what the heck they do, although you get instant, powerful benefit from holding the Win button and tapping the letter 'e' on your keyboard, or holding it and tapping 'f' on your keyboard. No other explanation is necessary. Do it and you'll see why.
Computer Shortcuts 1 Computer Shortcuts 2
My faithful correspondent, you're going to be buying socks for the rest of your life, and I promise you, you'll be buying the same size and color socks/stockings for the rest of your life. Smell reality. With just one TINY shortcut, you get five enormous clouds bursting with sunshiny benefits, instant AND long-term benefits. Watch and learn what you already know, genius, and are still too profoundly stupid to practice. Ugh, how you disgust me! When you go to the store and buy twenty or fifty pairs of identical socks/stockings, you are NOT creating a storage crisis in your life, even if you, residentially, abide in a piano box. If you have an apartment or house, you should buy a hundred pair at once. You think you're smart? When did you last compute AT LEAST the following benefits, in whatever order they appeal most to your personal sense of priority? If you personally do not have a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes per day pursuing a personal passion, from art, science, music, charity, sex, drugs, or rock n roll, then perhaps you might see that if you knew better, you'd do better, no?
Major in minors, or major in majors. When you're using twenty and thirty of these shortcuts to remove hundreds of smaller steps per month, it suddenly and immediately starts adding up not just over a lifetime, rather, it adds up this year, and this month, yes, this week, this day, and lo and behold, THIS very hour in time to do what you most love to do, rather than all the hundred things that every human has to do repeatedly. How you spend your minutes is a clear preview of how you're spending your life. Shhhhh. Not a word. Just think. then do.
Buying socks or towels or tissue paper by the many, or organizing some of your thoughts with a like mind, |