The Path of Good Shortcuts has some questions specifically for you.
How long will we wait to meet the best you?
How long will we wait to see you prove that you really are "all that"?
How long will it take for you to open your eyes to your own resolution skills?
Go grab a book or internet website on how to negotiate more skillfully. Learn something new!
If you're that lazy, no need to learn anything new at all. Focus on getting better at something you do now.
Not only are the payoffs quick; they're repeatable into the hundreds and thousands of times.
One look at the Path of Good Shortcuts should convince you of that.
Every page is unique, and yet there are hundreds of thousands.
How could one person create all one thousand websites?
With shortcuts, young friend; with great shortcuts.
Use your shortcuts today and profit on them.
The Path of Good Shortcuts does work quickly, as you shall see.
Pay attention now, for this PowerGem works just about every time it's used.
Whatever it is that you most want or need, do just two things and they are yours.
Put it into about ten words or less. Anything not worth writing is not so important, hm?
Secondly, ask one hundred different people or agencies in the next one hundred days.
If necessary, ask seven times of any one, because 99 percent of us fold by then.
It is one of the magical secrets known to all who seek and obtain big wealth.
It is a magical secret you get to use in the next sixty hours or seconds.
What you do speaks so loudly we cannot hear a word you say.
Nothing in your life has worked this effectively, or this efficiently.
That's because the Path of Good Shortcuts is not the opinion of a human being.
The Path of Good Shortcuts is based on the words and actions of our best role models.
Masters and millionaires and champions and billionaires know better than the rest of us, hm?
By observing those who do better, and imitating their words, their actions and attitudes,
we are undeniably and quite provably assured of consistently imitating their results.
That is why you are encouraged to embrace your own Path of Good Shortcuts.
These PowerGems work better than all of the shortcuts being sold to you.
The best shortcuts of life, PowerGems, should never cost you a dime.
The Path of Good Shortcuts has always been inside of you.
You possessed the Path of Good Shortcuts, as a child.
You have reason to revive your childhood optimism.
Enthusiasm is a bonus to add to each PowerGem,
since your PowerGems work nearly every time.
At the bottom of every page of life, there is the Path of Good Shortcuts.
Whether we excel or not is a matter of choice, not circumstances. USE Your PowerGems.